In Just Three Months...

Three months ago, on April 15, I attended a gala event hosted by the local Anytime Fitness clubs, including the club I go to in Ellington, Connecticut.  Part of the event was, as you entered, they were recording people talking about how Anytime Fitness impacted them. It was off-the-cuff and very quick, so I had to think quickly.

When I saw they posted a bunch of videos to their YouTube page, I went through looking to see if they posted one of me. I scrolled through the videos, and couldn't find one. I then started watching some videos and went bottom to top. When I got back to the top, the very last video to watch seemed familiar, the person in the thumbnail looked familiar. Wait, that's ME! They did post one of me. I simply didn't recognize myself.

I was still extremely uncomfortable in front of any cameras at this time, but they did post a video of me from this event.


After seeing this video, I was amazed to see myself looking like this. After all, it has only been three months. I decided to put the suit back on, and look at how it fit today in comparison with then. Honestly, the difference was remarkable to me. The belt is no longer usable, even though it was on the first hole when I bought it. The pants no longer fit at the waist. The jacket is loose but still wearable. The shirt now feels more like a poncho than a dress shirt. 

I decided to put together a video of me wearing the suit again to show the changes over the last three months.


Patience is a virtue, and we must be patient when it comes to changing out bodies and our lives. We don't gain weight overnight, and we can't lose it overnight. If we work hard, if we have on point nutrition, and we commit ourselves, then change can happen. There is still a ways to go, and I'm looking forward to the next round.


Progression & The Four Week Update

